Risk assessment – why it is so important for your company

As the operator of a plant and as an employer, you share responsibility for the safety and health of your workforce. That's why the German Occupational Safety and Health Act (ArbSchG) requires you to “assess the hazards employees face in their work to determine what occupational safety measures are necessary.” Infraserv Höchst's experienced experts will be happy to help your company with this complex task.

The legal requirements for occupational safety are very high and are regulated by the Occupational Health and Safety Act and a large number of other ordinances and trade association regulations: Business owners must ensure that occupational safety is guaranteed in their company. If people suffer injury due to safety deficiencies, the question of managing director and plant manager liability very quickly arises.

The following therefore applies: Avoid unnecessary risks in your company by working together with competent support to minimize potential sources of danger in a continuous improvement process! After all, if you don't deal with the topic of occupational safety on an ongoing basis, you will quickly lose sight of the bigger picture.

Occupational safety includes areas such as

  • Basic organizational factors
  • Hazards due to workplace design
  • Hazards due to ergonomic factors
  • Mechanical hazards
  • Electrical hazards
  • Hazards due to substances
  • Fire and explosion hazards
  • Biological hazards
  • Hazards due to special physical effects
  • Hazards due to mental stress
  • Other hazards and stress factors

Importance of risk assessment in the context of occupational safety

The risk assessment enables the identification, evaluation, classification and documentation of hazards and stresses to which employees are exposed at their workplace in the course of their work. The risk assessment thus forms a cornerstone of occupational safety and the basis for deriving targeted occupational safety measures.

The aim is to identify and eliminate potential hazards in the working environment before accidents at work or work-related illnesses can occur.

Infraserv is your expert partner for comprehensive risk assessment

Infraserv's experienced experts always view occupational safety and risk assessment as a holistic issue. They cover many areas with customized consulting, and our service portfolio is constantly being expanded. This ensures that your company's operations are always (legally) safe:

Hazardous substances

The health of employees in the company and the environment must be protected from the harmful effects of chemicals.

Laboratory processes

Work may only be carried out after potential hazards have been assessed and protective measures implemented.

Machine safety

The risk assessment must begin before the work equipment is procured and put into operation.

Noise and vibration

Vibration in the workplace, for example when driving or operating machinery, must not endanger the health of employees.

Mental health

In the risk assessment, the working atmosphere and conditions at the workplace must be put to the test.

Biological substances

Service description will follow shortly – stay tuned!

Process safety

Service description will follow shortly – stay tuned!


Service description will follow shortly – stay tuned!

When carrying out the risk assessment, a clearly structured procedure is recommended, which generally comprises the following steps

The seven steps of a risk assessment

1. Define work areas and activities

Overall responsibility for occupational health and safety always remains with the company's management. However, some tasks can be delegated to competent occupational health and safety specialists. Responsibilities must always be clearly defined and set out in writing.


2. Evaluate hazards and risks

Careless handling of hazardous substances, blocked escape routes, inadequate fire protection, tripping hazards in the production area or workshop: Hazards in the workplace can look very different. Mental stress caused by permanent overwork or underwork, constant deadline pressure or unclear responsibilities can also be a problem for employees. Here it is important to take a close look at each area of activity in the company individually. In addition, a personal risk assessment must be carried out for at-risk groups, pregnant women and young people, so-called vulnerable persons.


3. Determine suitable protective measures

After identifying hazards and assessing the associated risks, these are prioritized and appropriate solutions are then developed.


4. Implement measures

Depending on the type of hazard, the necessary solutions may be organizational, technical, personal or behavioural in nature. Create transparency among your employees regarding protection goals and measures. Define clear responsibilities and a binding time frame for the implementation of occupational safety measures.


5. Review the effectiveness of the measures taken

For effective occupational safety, it is important to check whether the measures decided upon have been implemented on time by the persons responsible and whether the hazards have actually been eliminated. If the intended solution has not shown the desired success, you may need to identify further suitable protective measures. The results of the inspection should be recorded in writing – they will be included in the risk assessment documentation.


6. Update the risk assessment

Change management, digital transformation, new machines, changes in work organization, new spatial requirements, handling hazardous substances: Your company is just as subject to ongoing changes as the current legislation on occupational safety. This is why occupational safety is a continuous (improvement) process. A new risk assessment is always due when new potential hazards arise in your company. An increase in the sickness rate and the number or type of accidents at work can also give rise to an update of the risk assessment.




Conscientious documentation forms the basis for the continuous and efficient updating of the risk assessment.


On the safe side with expert support

Responsibilities and liability for tasks related to occupational safety are not always clearly regulated by law. In view of the complexity of the requirements, it can help to call in external, experienced consultants who can immediately identify where there is still a need for action in your company.

Infraserv is your expert partner for operational risk assessment

The aspects of occupational safety that are included in the risk assessment depend on a company's structure and specific processes.

Infraserv Höchst has been providing risk assessment services to companies in Industriepark Höchst and elsewhere for many years. Our extensive experience with a wide variety of plant configurations is incorporated into every risk assessment.

Infraserv's experts have developed established standards for all processes that speed up many workflows and make them more cost-efficient. All individual steps are documented transparently for customers to simplify updating the risk assessment and avoid unnecessary labor and cost expenditures.

Get a no-obligation consultation now to find out how Infraserv experts can help your company with its risk assessment.

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