Everything at a glance: Interdisciplinary laboratory designing

Laboratory designing has many dependencies

The building infrastructure is an important aspect for the functioning of a laboratory. It must therefore be coherently integrated into the overall concept. This applies, for example, to electrical planning, where, in addition to the arrangement of sockets, demand planning is particularly important. Laboratories consume a lot of electricity due to their high-tech equipment such as centrifuges, freezers and incubators, and if care is not taken during planning to ensure that the electrical infrastructure can cope with peak loads, outages can occur.

Ventilation and air conditioning are also complex issues where building planning must be tailored to the requirements of the laboratory. To ensure trouble-free operation, it must be ensured that harmful vapors are removed, strict environmental regulations are met and the air quality complies with occupational health and safety requirements. The legal requirements and safety regulations can vary greatly depending on the type of research and the safety level of the laboratory.

However, electrical and ventilation planning are not always part of the laboratory designing contract. So who keeps track of everything and ensures that everything fits together in the end?

Infraserv maintains an overview of laboratory-related issues

When we at Infraserv take on the designing of a laboratory, including adjacent trades such as electrical or ventilation planning, we take a cooperative approach that involves everyone involved in the project - from the lab manager to the building services engineer. This ensures that every detail is taken into account and that the specific requirements of the laboratory are met exactly.

When planning the electrical infrastructure and ventilation systems, we consider all aspects from work processes and equipment layout to occupational safety and environmental protection . This also includes building planning issues such as calculating the total power requirement, providing a reliable electrical system and, if necessary, emergency power solutions to ensure that the electrical infrastructure can meet peak load requirements without failure. Considerations regarding the enclosure of fume cupboards or the division of the laboratory into differently air-conditioned areas are also part of our comprehensive designing process.

But even if the adjacent designing parts are not part of the order and we "only" take care of equipping or optimizing the laboratory, we keep an eye on the conditions on site and draw the client's attention to obstacles and necessary adjustments. After all, the laboratory can only function optimally if all components are coordinated as an overall concept.

With the knowledge of many internal and external experts, we help to create laboratories that not only enable efficient and safe work, but also promote innovation and scientific progress.

The diverse world of lab design and our stories

Get to know the possibilities of laboratory design at Infraserv. Not just in general and theoretical terms, but with concrete examples from our day-to-day design work. That's what we offer you with our weekly story series - look forward to 20 insights that could be relevant to you.

1. Involve employees

Would you like to involve your employees in the design process? Infraserv offers lab design workshops to involve employees.

2. Combining laboratory and esthetics

Can I combine lab and aesthetics? Modern working methods mean new demands on laboratories.

3. Working efficiently in the lab

Do you want to optimize circulation in your new lab? We can help you reorganize your lab structure.

4. Guard rails for laboratory architecture

Laboratory expertise and implementation experience - Infraserv architects support clients with laboratory rules of the game.

5. Change to the flexible shared lab

How can I convince my employees to use the new lab? Infraserv offers change managers.

6. Workshop on knowledge transfer

How can I benefit from my employees' knowledge? Infraserv offers a workshop to map the company's own processes.

7. Energy efficiency through optimized laboratory layout

Want to increase energy efficiency in your lab? Infraserv creates different climate zones and minimizes energy consumption.

8. A feel-good atmosphere in the laboratory

Do you want to make your lab attractive? Infraserv implements customer requirements while keeping an eye on regulations and guidelines.

9. Discover design possibilities

Are you looking for specific ideas for your own laboratory designing? We offer you a laboratory tour at Industriepark Höchst.

10. Getting a picture on site

How do lab planners get the information they need? Infraserv will visit you in the inventory lab and get a first-hand impression.

11. There are no furniture stores for laboratories

Infraserv showcases a variety of laboratory equipment at Industriepark Höchst.

12. Compensate for missing process knowledge

Infraserv supports new lab processes with experience from its own lab operations.

13. A laboratory does not only consist of laboratory workstations

You want to know how to optimally integrate workstations into the laboratory? We offer advice on various workstation concepts.

14. The optimum laboratory layout

Infraserv helps you optimally integrate support rooms into your lab planning to minimize walking distances and maximize efficience.

15. Emission and immission control in the laboratory

Well thought-out laboratory planning can minimize noise, vibrations and equipment waste heat from the outset, enabling efficient and error-free work in the laboratory.

15. Emission and immission control in the laboratory

Well thought-out laboratory planning can minimize noise, vibrations and equipment waste heat from the outset, enabling efficient and error-free work in the laboratory.

16. Interdisciplinary laboratory designing

Would you like to know how a smooth laboratory infrastructure can be guaranteed? We offer comprehensive advice for integrated laboratory designing.